Takehiko Inoue, Yumi Tamura Receive Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award for Fine Arts

The Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan has announced the winners of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award for Fine Arts for 2023. The two prize winners in the media arts category were Takehiko Inoue (Slam Dunk) and Yumi Tamura (Don’t Call It Mystery). Jun Wada (Ikimono-san) received the Rookie Award in the same category.

Takehiko Inoue was recognized for his work on the film adaptation of his manga, Slam Dunk. The film was directed by the original author and featured many of Inoue’s drawings and instructions to bring his vision to life. The film’s success can be attributed to Inoue’s contribution as an “animation film director.”

Yumi Tamura has been a leading figure in the Japanese manga world for many years, creating a series of epic and profound stories with fascinating characters. She was recognized for her skills and achievements, which have kept her at the forefront of the industry for 40 years and have resulted in international success.

Jun Wada received the Rookie Award for his work on Ikimono-san, which stimulates the viewer’s senses through its unique visuals and eccentric settings. Despite its unconventional style, the work has gained widespread support from people around the world due to its ability to tap into universal human sensations.

The winners will receive a certificate and a cash prize of 1,200,000 yen (8,000 USD) for the Minister’s Award and 800,000 yen (5,330 USD) for the Rookie Award. The presentation ceremony is scheduled to take place in Tokyo on March 12.
